Day 4, Mile 1,294: Rexburg, ID to Yellowstone National Park
People are so friendly here.
Got to Yellowstone at 10 am. This place is unbelievably gorgeous. Got our first taste of a "wildlife jam" a few miles in, where rangers were directing vehicles by a raptor nest. Stopped at a couple visitor centers and sighted more wildlife (coyote, bison, elk, besides birds).
Distance seems to be measured a little differently around here. We stopped by some mud pots and the trail up to them is marked as 0.3 miles. Definitely farther than that.
Found one campground at Slough Creek, were attacked by bugs, moved to Tower Falls and didn't deal with any bugs. Great.
Went to Mammoth Hot Springs in the afternoon. We first stopped at the Visitor Center where we watched an orientation movie that featured, among other things, some tourist getting knocked over twice by a charging bison. The film said that no one was hurt.
Mammoth is a really impressive formation of terraced bacterial mats and mineral deposits formed by the runoff of hot springs. We walked around some of the formations and then drove a loop to see some of the ones further out. Unfortunately, a lot of the springs don't run anymore.
Went out to look for wildlife, on the recommendation of our campground host. Parked, drove a little more, found a traffic jam, went back and parked, discovered what the traffic jam was about. THAR'S A BAR!!!
Caused our own traffic jam by pretending to look at something reallly interesting in the distance. *car slows* random stranger: "What's going on here?" Ted: "There's actually nothing here, but if you go up there, you can see a couple of bears." random stranger: "Really??" *family continues on very happily, ignoring the fact that we just made them stop for no reason*
Return to campsite. Play a game of Oregon Trail on the computer in the tent. Sleep and pray we don't get eaten by bears. Sidenote: hammocks are nice.
Other quotables:
"Yellowstone blows..."
"Yeah, water!!"
"I love your back. It's like butter." - Howie
"Methinks the gentleman doth protest too much." - Jerry, re: Ted
Day 5, Mile 1,513: Yellowstone National Park
Weren't eaten by bears. Woke up to the sound of busy park workers at 6:00am.
Canyon Village for some wandering around. Had a tourist trap lunch. Reminisced about elementary school cafeterias and chocolate milk.
Early on the way to Old Faithful, we stopped by Beryl Spring and decided to be friendly and wave to all the passing motorists. Sowed confusion and smiles.
Felt inspired by our day's theme music - Jurassic Park - and acted like velociraptors on the boardwalk around some geysers around the Lower Geyser Basin.
3:45 pm. Bear sighting. Highly amused at traffic jam created. Discuss summer thesis idea of generating a computer model of traffic flow. Receive a snort from passerby when Ted mentions using a second-order differential equation to model the propagating wave.
Sat in the rain waiting for Old Faithful to blow. Carrots and apple chips. Walked around a bit more and got a face spray by a well-timed geyser.
Ate dinner at another tourist trap cafeteria, but got to see Old Faithful erupt again.
Highlight: Waltzing in the lobby of the Old Faithful Inn to live piano music. Beautiful log cabin building. It's hard to do justice to the architecture with words. The space just begged for dancing. Howie got the pianist to play some waltzes and we all got to spin around the floor, navigating through tourists. Wonderful. Got some applause from the upper balconies at the end of it.
Day 6, Mile 1,601: Yellowstone National Park to Thermopolis, WY
Camped at Grant Village last night. No bugs, thankfully. On the way there, we crossed the Continental Divide twice.
First stop this morning was a short one at Fishing Bridge. No fish sighted.
Stopped on way out to talk with database engineer works out of his RV and is spending a month in Yellowstone and does his work by satellite uplink.
Outside the park, the landscape changes rather quickly and dramatically to a sort of midwest mesa desert.
Cody, WY. Ate at the Silver Dollar Bar. "Dollar Burger" = 1 lb. of meat. Wows.
Thermopolis, WY. Hotsprings and waterslides. Whee!!!
Staying at the Coachman Inn tonight.
My blogging mood is fizzling. Passing it off to someone else.
Contributions interleaved.